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Adult Acne: Does it Ever Go Away?

If you are an adult who is mortified to look in the mirror and see dreaded acne, don’t feel like you are alone. Both adult men and women suffer from this condition that they probably thought should have disappeared after puberty. The truth is that acne can occur into your 30s, 40s, and even 50s. It might be persistent acne that never went away after teenage your years, or it may be late-onset acne that makes its first appearance in adulthood.

Reasons for adult acne
There are a number of reasons that acne pops up during the adult years. Some common causes include:

  • Hormones: Fluctuating hormones don’t stop when adolescence ends. Both men and women’s hormones fluctuate, although women experience it more during their menstrual cycle, pregnancy or menopause. This means women have adult acne breakouts more often than men.
  • Stress: High levels of stress can trigger acne flareups in both men and women.
  • Cosmetics: Hair and skin products place users at a higher risk for adult acne. It can be helpful to choose products labeled oil-free, non-comedogenic, or non-acnegenic to avoid clogged pores and resulting acne breakouts.
  • Genetics: People may be predisposed to acne if a close relative experiences the condition in adulthood.
  • Medical conditions: Acne is sometimes linked to medical conditions or medications. If adult acne is a problem, ask your physician if it could be a side effect of a drug or illness. Switching to a different medication or beginning treatment for an undiagnosed ailment may resolve your adult acne.

Treating adult acne
If acne is mild to moderate, trying some of the many over-the-counter wash and cream options may do the trick. Some people also choose home remedies like green tea, mint, witch hazel, tea tree oil, or apple cider vinegar. If these self-care methods aren’t effective, the best choice is to seek the help of an experienced physician like Dr. Bernard Raskin in Bakersfield. He and his skilled team will diagnose your specific acne problems and develop the best treatment plan to help eliminate your adult acne.

Contact our Bakersfield dermatology office today to schedule an appointment.  We accept insurance.